Our mission cannot succeed without your generous support. We apply for WI DNR Invasive Species Grants, but attaining those grants is not guaranteed. Even with a typical 25% local share grant our annual expenses in our battle against invasive species, and our Forest Lake Protection efforts can exceed $40,000.
As the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity your contribution is fully deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our EIN is 84-2101553.
Please consider supporting us by check, a Qualified Charitable IRA Distribution, or by PayPal (just check on the “Donate” button below). If you include your email address we will use that to send your donation receipt. We will never sell your email address or release it outside of the Foundation.
Send your contribution, made out to the “Forest Lake Preservation Foundation” to:
c/o Tom Macak
4142 Desert Falls Road
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Thank you for your support of our mission to preserve and protect Forest Lake and its watershed.